Home is more than a roof over your head and some welcoming walls. It goes beyond style that’s has cozy or cool vibes.
If the core of your being isn’t welcomed where you rest your head at night, you will never ever feel at home, nor at peace.
Not feeling at home? Well, then, all your possessions as well as your body may have an address ...but the one who experiences those things, YOU, will be left with a faint, annoying sense of being homeless.
Because most architecture ignores the soul, few people know how to provide for it.
At best, attempts are made to address the soul by providing inspiring spaces. What is not understood is how the floors, walls, roofs, furnishings and other elements of a house can be designed to nurture and delight the elusive qualities of the soul.
To create a home for the soul, we have to experience what the soul is. There are many explanations of soul. Soul is perceived to be the force that enlivens our thoughts, words actions.
It can be the wisdom that shapes this spiriting force into patterns of experience. In the depths of our being, soul is still and unlimited.
On the surface, it flows in a countless variety of emotions and thoughts. Despite its fleeting nature, soul has specific qualities we can understand and sense.
Genuineness, depth and connectedness characterize a soulful experience. In Care of the Soul, Thomas Moore writes: “soulfulness is tied to the particulars of life—good food, satisfying conversation, genuine friends, and experiences that touch the heart.”
Soul is nourished by variety, quirks and mannerisms. It is the glue that connects mind to body, body to home and home to Earth.
Soulful rooms of a home harness the events that take place within them. The shared, universal qualities of soul become meaningful when they flow into the personal characteristics that define you and your individuality.
Soul is not necessarily connected to any religion. A person may tap into soul through the prayers, rituals and scriptures of their faith; but one can also meet soul in a flavorful stew, the caress of a lover, and the textures of an oak floor.
A chapel within a vast cathedral may be a shrine of spiritual peace, but a window seat in a bedroom can offer a haven of quiet renewal.
A home that nurtures and delights your soul cannot be described in a checklist of attributes. It is the result of consciously designing rooms and selecting furnishings to bring out the qualities of soul that are personal to you and your family.
The forms, textures, colors and qualities of light and space that nourish you indicate your individual characteristics of soul.
Your memories of meaningful places, images of homes that visit you in dreams and enriching travel locations point toward the images of soul to incorporate in the design.
The foods you love, the movies that move you and the art that excites you also hold keys to the qualities of a home that will care for your soul.
When you incorporate these personal qualities of soul into your home or apartment the core of your being is nourished. The completeness of who you are is cared for and welcomed With open arms...
Life becomes more idyllic and artful, more meaningful and alive.
Your house finally is your home...
