The impact of our intimate spaces is shaped by the objects around us. Photos, art, and other items on our walls cocoon us in personal significance or intellectual appreciation, but are we aware of the emotions they elicit—emotions we absorb both day and night?
What we hang on our walls matters. We want to create an environment of beauty, comfort, joy, energy, and also of positivity.
When it's time to deal with difficult emotions, this environment should be a space that nurtures and supports us.
It is easy to become so familiar with our surroundings to the point where we don't even notice its beauty anymore.
But when we do take the time to live in the moment—perhaps allowing ourselves to take in a beautiful painting or the view from a window, contemplating color, form, the flow of light, or the play of shadow—such thinking can bring us stillness and peace. It can flood our bodies with joy and energy.
Consider, for example, this photo of a wall in my a space where I spend most of my time these days . It encapsulates a unique essence of who I am.
This wall makes me smile. It brings warmth to my heart, comforts me and makes it peaceful to work in this space and supports me on many levels.
Look around you. Rediscover how your walls reflect you, the feelings they provoke that you are able to carry these feelings with you all day and night.
Consider how much—and in what ways—your surroundings touch you or what your walls need to look and feel like if they do not reflect who you are ....
